TUWYN’s nurse executive, who has provided tele-disease management, is also a versed medical auditor consultant, has found a 20% error rate in evaluation and management, Diagnosis-Related Groups, ICD-9, and CPT4 coding reviews. These findings have resulted in the recoupment of several dollars for payors. TUWYN implemented a concept of operations to issue visual information systems to two personal teams’ dispersed locations, which enhanced the movement of visual information and management by 75% while providing better sustainment logistical solutions for commercial off the shelf (COTS) visual information systems. This increased the systems’ efficiency by up by 72%. Also, completing an operational process flow audit, TUWYN implemented new processes that reduced the average imagery assessing and dissemination time by 50%. Team TUWYN’s strengths in technology, leadership, healthcare, and visual information systems combined equate to success for our partners.